G2 Licence – Multiple Charges and Suspensions

Inquiry:  hello, i am a g2 drive and i have gotten 3 suspended licenses do to dumb choices. the first one. was driving past 12 pm at night. and not enough seat belts in the car for every one. I was one person over in the car. Secound time was letting a friend drive the […]

G1 Licence – Unaccompanied Driver

Inquiry:  I was in a accident where the fault of the accident was not mine although I was charged with a g1 unaccompanied by a qualified driver charge is there any possible way to have this reduced or dismissed in any way please email me asap back as it is the best form of communication […]

Charged While On A Dirt Bike

Inquiry: I was riding my dirt bike on the road with green plates. The officer let me off saying he would only give me a fine saying i didnt have my insurnace card. I dont have my G1 yet i wanted to know if this ticket will affect me when i go to get my […]

Unpaid Fines – 2011-08-23

Inquiry:  My boyfriend is Anerican, from Tennessee. A few years back, he ran up about 4500 in speeding fines in Ontario. Now he is thinking of visiting here again, but is worried that he might get arrested for unpaid fines. Is this possible? Likely? Please help! He would like to start making payments on the […]

Where to Pay A Ticket

Inquiry: I have miss placed my ticket and am not contessing it, where do I go to pay it? Response:  Tickets may be paid at your local Provincial courthouse.  From the information you provided, I believe you are in London, Ontario making your closest court:  824 Dundas Street near the Western Fairgrounds. Sincerely, Greg Currie […]

Collision With Pedestrian

Inquiry: On August 13 2011, I was charged with fail to yield from driveway 159(1) – this involved a pedestrian who walked behind my vehicle – witness said she did so but the officer still charged me – she cut her leg on her walker and fell to the ground but was not touched by […]

Impounded Vehicle And No Insurance

Inquiry: I got stopped yesterday because the local police received a call saying that I had run through a stop sign. They asked for my papers, and my drivers licence was okay (but they were unable to find it in their computer system, for some reason), my registration was still valid, but my insurance was […]

Disobey Stop Sign – Incorrect Wording

Inquiry: I recently got pulled over for failure to stop at a stop sign. The officer underlined “failure to stop for flashing red ligh.” There isn’t a flashing red light at the intersection, there’s a stop sign. Is this probable cause to get this thrown out of court? Response:  There may potentially be an argument […]

Parking Ticket With Error

Inquiry:  On the ticket the expiry date of my plate was noted as 07/10. In fact it is 07/12. Is this grounds for it being dismissed? Response:  The expiry date issue would likely not be of any merit at Court.  Unfortunately, we do not generally represent parking ticket cases as the charges do not show […]

Seatbelt Charge With Incorrect Name Spelling

Inquiry:  As a tall person, the seatbelt sits differently on the body. It was however pulled over and snapped in correctly. Also the officer spelled the last name incorrectly, which she took straight from the licence, Can this charge stand even though the height of the driver seems to sit lower on the shoulder and […]