Jail Time

Inquiry: Hi, I wanted to inquire on what the minimum and maximum jail time would be for these four offences which are all first time offences: 1. Fail to Identify Self 2.Operate Motor Vehicle without Insurance 3. Drive motor vehicle without a licence present 4. Drive motor vehicle without current validation on plate Thank you! […]


Inquiry: I was ticketed by a school cop for allegedly clipping a yellow line when I made a left turn. On the ticket, the school cop checked off the weather was “CLEAR” and checked off the weather was “FOG”. The yellow line was below my hood and window post and was not visible from my […]

Bicycle Ticket

Inquiry: Hi, my fiance was given a $325 ticket for biking too soon before a traffic light turned green. He didn’t have a driver’s license on him and the officer wrote down his last name incorrectly (2 letters were off). Should we go fight this? Response:  The incorrect spelling of the name may or may […]

Youthful Indiscretions

Inquiry:  Like 5 years ago i was fixing a mopad with one of my friends we had it fixed and had it running for 2 days we would drive it back and forth on a side street and the police pulled me over and said i got like 5000$ in tickets i was younger and […]

What Happens When I Don’t Pay Or Contest My Charges?

Inquiry: i have gotten a no seat belt ticket, 2 minor speeding tickets and a ticket for my lights being to muddy. will this stop me from getting my G i ontario?. this tickets are from march – april and i didnt go to court or pay them Response:  I can not directly advise you […]

Date Of Birth Error On Ticket

Inquiry: I was given a ticket for doing 74km in a 50km zone. But the officer put the wrong Date of Birth down. Does this void the ticket? Or could it be argued out at court? Response:  The incorrect DOB does not invalidate the ticket.  The charge is a 3 demerit point offence.  It is […]

In Debt To The Court

Inquiry:  I recieved a fine for driving without insurance 15 years ago, at the same time I was charged with driving without a licence which I served 2 weeks in jail. For the past 15 years I’ve been unable to pay this fine so I’ve basically done nothing about it and gone without a drivers […]

Are The Police ‘Permitted’ To Do That?

Inquiry:  I recently got ticketed for not having a plate on the trailer I had borrowed. Upset that I would get a ticket instead of a warning for this I checked the traffic act at the local police station and found that a mistake had been made because the traffic act stated 7(4)(a) didn’t match […]

Court Error – Twice The Conviction, Half The Fun.

Inquiry: I recntly got a ticket for a hand held device on 8/30/10. I tried fighting the charge but was not able to beat it, with the way the law is written so I paid the fine. Now on my abstract the convicition appears twice for the same offense. How can I make it into […]

G2 Licence And Speeding

Inquiry: I recently got a speeding ticket, I only have my G2 level of license and I have made the appointment to get my full G license. My inqury is, does me getting a ticket stop me from being able to get my G license? Response:  The pending charge shouldn’t cause any issue with getting […]