Hand Held Communication Device

Inquiry:  I was sitting at a red light with my phone in hand but not using it and an officer came to my window, looked in and then proceeded to give me a ticket for using a handheld device, even though I explained to him in the nicest possible way that I was not using […]

Error On Ticket (Incorrect Name)

Inquiry:  If the police officer writes the wrong name for the owner can i fiht it? Response:  That may not be a fatal error in the Prosecutor’s case as the error may be ammendable at Court.  However, depending on the nature of your case, there may be other avenues to reduce or eliminate the penalties […]

Speeding – Officer Error On Ticket?

Inquiry:  I got a speeding ticket but he wrote down the wrong name for the registration. Is it enough to fight it? Response:  I’m not sure what you are specifically referring to with ‘wrong name for the registration.’  Generally, most speeding charges can be reduced to lesser offences and in some cases when may be […]

Speeding – Wrong Vehicle Stopped?

Inquiry:  hello my wife was going down a steep hill and the officer was coming from the other direction at the bottom of the hill using moving radar. the car next to my wife was going faster than her but the office hit her with the charge and she was not speeding. how do i […]

No Driver’s Licence Number On Ticket

Inquiry:  My friend drove my car and got pulled over in Quebec province. The officer issued him a ticket without his driver license number. Is this an fatal error, so we can dismiss the ticket? Thank you. Response:  It is not necessarily a fatal error.  The Officer may have noted the driver’s licence number in […]

Charged By Mail

Inquiry:  I was given a ticket for using my phone while driving, but the officer didn’t pull me over. On the ticket, he checked that he had personally given me the ticket, even though he sent it through the mail a day later. Can I fight this? Response:  Without seeing disclosure of the Officer’s notes, […]

Follow Too Closely And Licence Suspension

Inquiry:  my son had a fender bender, he was charged with following to close. He signed the ticket and we paid his fine by check and posted it in the mail. On April 7 2012 we picked up our mail and there was a notification that his Licence was suspended for none payment of the […]

Incorrect Date On Ticket (4/11/2012)

Inquiry:  the officer wrote down the date he took the report, instead of the date of the mishap. Is this a “fatal” error Response:  I would want one of our staff to look at the ticket in specific detail.  There are different areas on the ticket of the offence date and for the date of […]

Speeding In Quebec

Inquiry:  Hello, I got a speeding ticket in Quebec and on the vehicle portion of the ticket the officer recorded that the province of registration for my vehicle Quebec when in fact it is registered in Ontario. Is this grounds for dismissal -i.e. can i argue that the officer was mistaken and got the wrong […]

Railway Crossing

Inquiry:  My husband was approaching a railway crossing that uses warning lights & barrier. As he approached the rail tracks he slowed down to look both ways to ensure it was safe to cross and to avoid possibly hitting the bottom of the car. After he crossed he noted a patrol car signalling him to […]