Wrong Date On Stop Sign Ticket

Inquiry:  I just received a failure to stop ticket. I came to a rolling stop but did not stop completely. However, the date on the ticket is wrong. The offence occurred May 12 2012 and the offence date on the ticket is April 12 2012. Can I fight this? Response:  The dating issue may not […]

Vehicle Registration Problems

Inquiry:  Hi, I was driving my dad’s car and got a ticket for unsigned registration. Is there anything I can do about that? It seems pretty unfair as I was told by someone after that if I didnt have the registration on me I would not have gotten a ticket a all, I would have […]

Insurance Issues

Inquiry:  hello.  the cop stopped me and asked for insurance i searched in the car but did not find it cause i cleaned the car that day unfortunatlly i found the insurance slip in my car trunk inside with the insurance compay contract. but it was too late cause the cop left and i found […]

Licence Suspension Due To Unpaid Fine

Inquiry:  I just recieved a letter in the mail stating that my licence was suspended do to an unpaid fine. so heres the story. I got pulled over for speeding like 16 over in a 50 and I hired a lawyer to fight the ticket. they went to court on my behalf and had the […]

Wrong Date Of Birth On Stop Sign Charge

Inquiry:  I was stopped after a stop sign this morning. I saw the police car at the  intersection and I stopped as usual. He said that I did not stop. He gave me a ticket and I noticed after, that he wrote down the wrong year of my birthdate. Is this a reason for the […]

Seatbelt Charge With Incorrect Licence Plate Number

Inquiry:  The ticket has the wrong licence plate. Response:  An incorrect licence plate number on your ticket will not be a sufficient grounds to have the charge thrown out.  However, if you would like to review the details of your case with one of our staff you may have an alternate defence to the charge.  […]

Speeding and Stop Sign

Inquiry:  Hi, I like to discuss what my options are. I got 2 tickets same day. Speeding over 15 km in 60 zone and then the cop followed me and gave me not having full stopped on the stop sign. What is your process and fees ?  Is there possibility that both tickets can be […]

Roadside Troubles

Inquiry:  i used a friends driver’s licence info when pulled in got fined then week later he call the cops and i was criminal charge and then bet all charges but then got all traffic ticket in my name even when found not guilty of driving Response:  I’m uncertain from your inquiry what you have […]

Left In The Hotseat After Helping A Friend

Inquiry:  While working friday evening we were pulled over. I was driving my coworkers car because he had received a license suspension for too many moving violations. I had assumed that he had valid insurance and registration on the vehicle but instead of a monthly payment plan he had only purchased insurance for a month. […]

Follow Too Closely – Collision

Inquiry:  Basically, I was suckered. I was driving on the 410S to the 403W on a Saturday morning, 8am, no traffic on the road, nice sunny morning. When passing an Acura SUV, I noticed the driver of said SUV making motions at me. I looked over, confused, as there was no reason she should be […]