20 km/h Over The Speed Limit
Inquiry: Revived a ticket in Chatham for 100 in a 80 in Chatham Kent. The officer used my entire old address on my licence rather than the paper I presented him from the DMV with my address change. He was sitting on the side of the road and said he got me going 101 I […]
Fail To Yield From Private Driveway (4/8/2012)
Inquiry: I had a collision with another car on Fairway Rd. I was leaving the mall and stopped at the cross-section with a stop sign. On my left, I saw a few cars on the right lane signalling to enter the mall. I checked the middle lane and I did not see any cars so […]
Reading An Offence Notice
Inquiry: Hi I got a ticket about 2 weeks ago. I got a Uniform traffic citation, Summons and Accusation….. And the TICKET SAYS: Within the State of (blah), did commit the following offense : SPEEDING…. BUT UNDER Other Offense than Above it says : Shoplifting, code section 16-8-14…. I actually got caught shoplifting NOT Speeding… […]
Stunt Driving + Missed Court Date = Two Year Suspension
Inquiry: Hi There, A friend of mine was charged with stunt driving in summer 2011, and went to court once, nothing came of it, and then missed his second court date. He recently got a letter in the mail saying his license is suspended for 2 years. Is there any way of appealing this, or […]
Driving Without Due Care
Inquiry: a few days ago i was given a tkt for driving without due care. I was on a hwy it was raining pretty hard and i was looking for a street. i spotted the street at an intersection and made a late left turn. i looked in my side mirror and indicated that i […]
Drive Under Suspension – 2012-04-04
Inquiry: if you get a driving on a suspended ticket a couple weeks before the suspention is up and it doesnt go through the system yet what happens Response: Drive Under Suspension is a very serious offence carrying up to a total maximum fine of $6,250, 6 months jail, and a mandatory further suspension of […]
Speeding With Wrong Offence Location
Inquiry: Just given a ticket for 28 over. The officer put the wrong location of offense on the ticket, is this grounds for dismissal? Response: That will not be a grounds for dismissial. The charge itself carries 3 demerit points. With charges such as the one you have been issued, we would want to see […]
Unpaid Fine and Licence Suspension (2/2/2012)
Inquiry: I have only paid $500 of a $6500 fine (driving without insurance) and while the court agreed to give me a year to pay the fine, i have recieved a suspension of license notice. I wonder if i can have my driving priveledges returned while offering to pay part of the fine? or rather, […]
A Tale Of Two Driver’s Licences
Inquiry: I got a ticket for “Disobey Sign” on 3/23/2012. On 3/12/2012, I applied for D/L renewal with christian name added. A temporary D/L (Paper) was given to me with new D/L number taking effective on 3/12/2012. However, on the date of being ticketed, the officier only asked for my old license and refused my […]
Licence And Insurance
Inquiry: i was charged with failing to surrender licence and insurance because i had left it at home. what defense can i use to withdraw the fine?? Response: We would have to review the Prosecutor’s evidence to see whether there exists a grounds to have the charges dropped. Failing that, we would want to negotiate […]