Speeding – More Details Required

Inquiry:  I was pulled over for speeding Response:  We will require more information about your speeding charge to be able to provide you with a response.  I would recommend contacting one of our staff via our toll-free number 1-866-801-8299 for a free initial consultation of your matter. Sincerely, Greg Currie Office Manager, London

Anxious In Ontario – Error On Ticket

Inquiry: Hi. I got a speeding ticket last January 02, of 2011 driving 109kms on a posted 80kms. I know I am guilty of driving that speed and paid it online through credit card. A month after My payment had been returned. I was worried coz maybe they refused by payment. I tried to call […]

NB Speeding – Court Error?

Question:  ticket paid right away because the officer that stopped me on eastbound 17 initially claimed that I was following his cruiser with 116! he reduced it then because he realized that a transport truck can’t even go that fast (speed limiter – 105kmh) !  -so, he reduced the initial claim to 15 over (90kmh […]

Deciding Not To Pay Your Fine?

Inquiry:  Hi, I got a speeding ticket at Terrace bay ThBay with an out-of-province drivers licence and plates. I was moving to Quebec, now I do have a QC drivers licence and qc plates…do I have to pay it??? what happens if I go visit Ontario???thanks. Response:   You may be best served by contacting the Ministry Of Transportation […]

Speeding – Error On Ticket

Inquiry: I received a speeding ticket. Officer wrote that I was travelling west bound on the street. I was actually travelling eastbound and can prove I was going eastbound. Do I have a case to fight the ticket? Response:  That issue in and of itself will not be a sufficient grounds to have the charge […]

Young Drivers And Life In The Fast Lane

Inquiry: my daughter was caught speeding (129km in a 80 km zone). how many points will she loose?  and what are the chances that she might not loose any? Response:  At 49 km/h over the speed limit, the charge falls into the second-highest category of speeding offence (30 to 49 km/h over the speed limit) […]

0 Demerit Point Speeding Charge

Inquiry: I received a $40 ticket (10 over) on Winston Churchill south of the QEW going south. SInce Winston Churchill on (the west side of the road) and WC is the border for Peel and Halton.  Since I received the fine from a Peel officer, is the Peel ticket out of jurisdiction? Response:  Any officer […]

Railroaded With A Speeding Charge

Inquiry:  I was given a speeding ticket by a railway policeman as i approched a crossing with no train in the area. or train signaling devices in affect. the officer was also parked in a private residences driveway of the road. afterwards watch him give out 3 more tickets for same infraction in a span […]

Speeding – 33 km/h Over The Posted Speed Limit

Question:   I was speeding I admitt it. However I thought I was about 13km/h over and the opp was travelling in the opposite direction. He turned around and pulled me over. He did not show me any radar and said I was doing a 113 in an 80. Would this be accurate if he was […]

Speeding 23 km/h Over The Speed Limit

Question: I was going with the flow of traffic on the left side of the road, and the road turned into a downhill slope, and I merged onto the right. I was then hit with a speeding ticket for going 23km/h over. Do I have a defence? My main matter is for it to not […]