Inquiry: I got a speeding ticket on Saturday but the offence is spelled “SPOODING”.  At first I thought it was just poor handwriting, but there are other instances of double ‘ee’ on the ticket and they are very clear. Will that help me at trial? It’s my first ticket and I’m super stressed. Response:  The […]

Speeding – Error On Ticket – 2011-11-17

Inquiry: My wife was caught speeding in Mississauga on Kennedy Rd. The ticket states the following: Highway 407 and Kennedy Road City of Brampron—— Is this a fatal error? She was in Mississauga so was the speed trap and he does’t give much other info as to direction of which st she was on + […]

Speed Limit Error?

Inquiry: I got a speeding ticket on Sunday for going 85km/hr in a 60km/hr zone. I was sure I was in a 70 zone, but the cop said it was a clearly marked 60 zone. After getting my ticket I returned to the spot where the infraction took place, and it says right there that […]

Date Of Birth Error On Ticket

Inquiry: I was given a ticket for doing 74km in a 50km zone. But the officer put the wrong Date of Birth down. Does this void the ticket? Or could it be argued out at court? Response:  The incorrect DOB does not invalidate the ticket.  The charge is a 3 demerit point offence.  It is […]

G2 Licence And Speeding

Inquiry: I recently got a speeding ticket, I only have my G2 level of license and I have made the appointment to get my full G license. My inqury is, does me getting a ticket stop me from being able to get my G license? Response:  The pending charge shouldn’t cause any issue with getting […]

Offence Location Issues

Inquiry: i received a speeding ticket going 71 in a 50 zone, but the location on the ticket just states the city name and not the intersection, can i have to ticket overturned? Response:  The charge that you have been issued is a 3 demerit point offence.  The location issue does not make the charge […]

Ticket In Texas

Inquiry: I received a ticket in texas for not slowing down 20mph below the posted speed limit I passed a police car on the right shoulder. I wnat to know when this law was passed as I am unfamiliar and it was a trap to catch drivers. Is there a way to see when texas […]

Reduced Speeding Charge With Error

Inquiry:  got a ticket 113 in an 80, lowered to 20 over – postal code written wrong… can i use that for anything? Response:  The officer has lowered your charge from a 4 demerit point offence to a 3 demerit point offence.  The error in the postal code would almost certainly have no impact on […]

Speeding 128/100 – 3 Demerit Points

Inquiry: I have received a speeding ticket for going 128KM/H on a posted 100KM/H zone. I am thinking about hiring X-coppers to help me fight my ticket because i do not want to gain 3 dermerit points and have my insurance go up. I need advice, should I fight the ticket myself and hopefully get […]

Speeding – Error On Ticket (7/16/2011)

Inquiry: Last night, on my way home after work, a van cut me off on my driving lane, so I had to avoid to pass the van . The policeman with radar had stopped me,and gave me a ticket said I was speeding over 80 km at 70km zone . The fine was $40. But […]