The Wrong Time To Speed

Inquiry:  I recieved a Speeding ticket today, it’s only for 15 over. 105 in a 90. The officer Wrote the wrong time on the ticket. I was pulled over this morning before noon, He wrote the time of the stop as 11:55 pm. Meaning I technically have yet to commit the offense because it is […]

Wrong Licence Plate Number On Ticket

Inquiry:  Hello, I received a speeding ticket in Ontario and upon review of the ticket I noticed that the license plate number on the ticket is not my license plate number. Does this void the ticket? Response:  Unfortunately not.  However, we generally do want to be aware of such issues incase any leverage can by […]

Incorrect Speed Limit?

Inquiry:  Hello, I was pulled over for speeding. The officer said I was doing 72km/h in a 50km/h zone. I was shocked as I was sure it was a 60km/h zone. The officer wrote me a ticket for 65km/h in a 50km/h zone. Later I checked the limit and it is clearly a 60km/h zone. […]

Speeding 105/90

Inquiry:  hello. i was issued a speeding ticket on Friday February 16th. i was charged with doing 105 in a posted 90. The officer made a mistake on the licence plate number. my licence plate reads 3yp but on the ticket it is 3xp. i was wondering if i have a chance at fighting it. […]

Speeding in Toronto

Inquiry:   I was travelling at about 45KL on Lawrence Avenue West when I was suddenly pulled over shown 68KL on a radar scope. Did this police officer charge me 68KL, the previos charge to me 68KL to mine and the charge one after me 68KL on the same Street as I watched this police officer […]

Out Of Province Speeding – Quebec

Inquiry:  Hi, I’m originally from Qc but I am now an Ontario resident. I got pulled in Qc this week for goint 130km/h in a working zone (70 km) on the highway.  I got a fine of $900 in Quebec, but I know that the Ontario fine range for $2K to 10K for a similar […]

Incorrect Name Spelling On Ticket

Inquiry:   I recieved a speeding ticket for driving 15 over in a 40km zone, the officer failed to write my name correctly on my ticket. Do i have to pay it? Response:  If you do not respond back to your ticket by paying it or requesting a court date, you risk being convicted of the […]

Speeding in Gatineau

Inquiry:  Hi my names is Vanessa I am 18years old and I am from Ontario. I have just recently been stopped in the district of Hull,Gatineau by SQ police officer. I was on the 50 thinking that the limit was 100 so i was goin 101 at that point when i was pulled over i […]

Bad Handwritting And Speeding

Subject speeding ticket can’t read license number clearly Name deborah nixon E-mail Phone (416) 763-6985 Inquiry I received a speeding ticket. The officer’s writing isn’t good. The date could be the 9th or 7th. And the licence letters could be interpreted more than one way. Also, he didn’t ask for insurance or registration and […]

Speeding – 30 km/h Over

Inquiry: i recieved a ticket for going 30 over in a 80 zone and wondered being the postal code is wrong is there anything i can do? or be able to fight it? or there no chance in fighting so i just have to pay it? please let me know thanks Response:  Unfortunately the postal […]