Camera-Based Red Light Charge – 2012-08-23

Inquiry:  Hi, i got a red light ticket in brampton as the camera took a photo of my car going throug a red light. The ticket is $325…i cant afford that as i am still a student, if i meet with the prosecuter for an early resolution (where i will plea guilty but also explain that i was […]

Red Light Camera Charge – 2012-06-16

Inquiry:  Hi june last year i was done for.driving my partners car not insured we was both fully comp at the time. i had to appear in court jan 2012 and had to retake both tests but december i failed to stop at a red light the floor was slippy and has i had just got before the […]

Red Light – Fail To Stop – 2012-03-02

Inquiry:  Today my husband and I were driving on a one way street. The roads themselves were not icy, but some of the intersections were. We got to a light, doing 40kms or less, and as we were nearing the intersection, the light turned yellow. My husband tried to stop, even pulling onto deeper snow […]

Red Light Camera Charge – 2012-01-11

Inquiry: I received a Red Light Camera Ticket (because I own the vehicle) but was not driving the vehicle (I was at work). How can I defend myself against this? The fine is $325.00! Respose:  The Red Light camera tickets are issued to the owner of the vehicle, not to the driver.  As such, they […]

Camera-based Red Light Charge – 2011-12-20

Inquiry:  is there any defense against these red light cameras — i was distracted by the construction on main st in Hamilton – i did go through it—but due to lane closure in front of me i was a little confused Response:  To my understanding, camera-based red light charges do not appear on your driving […]

Improper Stop – Error on Ticket

Inquiry:  I received a ticket for improper stop when making a right turn at an intersection. Was not an improper stop in my opinion because i stopped at the red light behind an suv that was turning then made my turn. the ticket for Christmas. Notice on ticket however that the officer wrote my […]

Red Light – Fail To Stop (6/18/2011)

Inquiry: I got pulled over the other day and the officer told me that he pulled me over because i was the 3rd one through the yellow light (which defined means procceed with caution) but my ticket says red light fail to stop… my address is also spelt wrong anything i can do about this? […]

Red Light – Amber Light

Inquiry:  my bf recieved a ticket for running a red when he ran an amber to due to rainy/ wet road conditions. and he wasn’t even going over 60. The ticket was for $325. Do we have a chance to fight it in court? Response:  If the light was amber as he entered the intersection […]

Red Light – Fail To Stop (2/28/2011)

Inquiry: I was pulled over on a red ligth and according to the police officer I was spotted 2 blocks from where I was pulled over. Does it take that long to stopped vehicles and give them speeding ticket? Reponse:  It can take that long or even longer for a Police Officer to stop a […]

Service Of A Ticket

Inquiry:  I got ticketed for making a right turn at a red light. The officer told me that it is illegal at the particular intersection. He wrote out the ticket but never asked me to sign it. Instead he simply wrote “served” on my signature line. Can I dispute this ticket based on no suggestion […]