Speeding – Error In Posted Speed Limit?

Inquiry:  I was driving south and an opp driving north made a u-turn red flashing lights I immediately pulled over and he accused speeding in a 60 zone,I returned to the scene later and discovered i was in a 70 zone almost to an 80 zone is that a fatal error? Response:  Without seeing the actual disclosure of evidence […]

Error On Ticket?

Inquiry:  officer has me writen up being ten min out of a community and i was further than that by 1/2 or so south of his written position? is this enough to challenge validity of ticket?i have a receipt from a gas station that proves i cant be there at that time because the station is 10-15 min […]

Seatbelt and Cell Phone Charges

Inquiry:  I was with my bf in his company van. A cop pulled up beside us. Neither of us wearing seatbelts. Bf was using his work gone on speaker. Cop pulled us over and gave him 2 tickets. One for using a hand held on speaker phone. The other for his seatbelt. Strangely enough I didn’t get one […]

Wrong Court Date On Ticket

Inquiry:  i was issued a ticket for possession and paraphernalia but the officer put the court date as 4-27-12 but the ticket was issued 6-15-12 can i get these charges dropped Response:  With court dates and pending convictions, it is best to error on the side of caution.  For instance, what appears as a “4” on the […]

Spelling Error On Ticket

Inquiry:  I got pulled over today, and issued a ticket for making a left turn, across a median. There was a sign saying no left turns, and I saw it, but did it anyways, because soo many people do it. I got a ticket for 200 dollars, Well on my registration, The make of my vehicle os spelled […]

Speed Ticket With Missing Information

Inquiry:   Was stopped for speeding. 73km/h in a 50km/h zone. Was provided with a hand written ticket and the officer did not include my DL# on the ticket. Am I able to challenge the the facial validity of the ticket and if so, have the ticket and offense thrown out as aresult of missed information at the […]

Stop Sign and Ticket Errors

Inquiry:  Injustice received a ticket from our local police department for a rolling stop at a stop sign. The ticket has the wrong model and year of the vehicle I was driving. The licence number and color were correct; however Response:  A stop sign charge is a 3 demerit point offence.   The errors that you mention […]

Wrong Date On Stop Sign Ticket

Inquiry:  I just received a failure to stop ticket. I came to a rolling stop but did not stop completely. However, the date on the ticket is wrong. The offence occurred May 12 2012 and the offence date on the ticket is April 12 2012. Can I fight this? Response:  The dating issue may not […]

Wrong Date Of Birth On Stop Sign Charge

Inquiry:  I was stopped after a stop sign this morning. I saw the police car at the  intersection and I stopped as usual. He said that I did not stop. He gave me a ticket and I noticed after, that he wrote down the wrong year of my birthdate. Is this a reason for the […]

Seatbelt Charge With Incorrect Licence Plate Number

Inquiry:  The ticket has the wrong licence plate. Response:  An incorrect licence plate number on your ticket will not be a sufficient grounds to have the charge thrown out.  However, if you would like to review the details of your case with one of our staff you may have an alternate defence to the charge.  […]