Incorrect Name On Ticket

Inquiry:  I received a ticket after an accident, failing to yield to traffic, anyways the cop wrote my middle name as my first name, and my first name initial in the middle initial place would that make a difference? can i fight that ticket? Response:  The error would almost certainly not be a fatal one to the Prosecutor’s […]

Fail To Yield

Inquiry:  I was awaiting to turn left out of a commercial plaza that is located near a signaled intersection. On my left, the red light was blocking incoming traffic so I then checked right to verify that the lane I was merging into was clear before creeping forward. As I began to move, I quickly glanced left again and […]

Fail To Yield From Private Driveway (4/8/2012)

Inquiry:  I had a collision with another car on Fairway Rd. I was leaving the mall and stopped at the cross-section with a stop sign. On my left, I saw a few cars on the right lane signalling to enter the mall. I checked the middle lane and I did not see any cars so […]

Drive M/V – No Licence and Fail To Yield From Private Drive

Inquiry:  Hello, I got into a car accident a month ago and we did not report it (me or the person i hit). well over a month later i get a call from the police saying they know i was in an accident and have tickets to issue me. being well over 30 days the […]

Collision With Pedestrian

Inquiry: On August 13 2011, I was charged with fail to yield from driveway 159(1) – this involved a pedestrian who walked behind my vehicle – witness said she did so but the officer still charged me – she cut her leg on her walker and fell to the ground but was not touched by […]

Fail To Yield From Private Driveway

Inquiry: I was involved in an accident and got a ticket for “Fail to yeild from private driveway”. The officer wrote down the wrong month (03 instead of 04) on both the ticket and the report. Does this make my ticket invalid? He also got my car colour, model and number of doors on my […]

Yielding At A two Way Stop

Inquiry:  I’ve been trying to resolve a traffic right-of-way dispute for some time and the Ottawa Police can’t seem to agree on an answer. I’m approaching a busy intersection with a two way stop and intend to turn right. Another driver from the opposite direction is already there, signalling to turn left (across my path). […]

Error On Ticket – Mispelled Offence

Question: I received a ticket for failure to yeild to right of way. but on the ticket the officer wrote Field to yield to right of way. Does that make any difference? Answer: Unfortunately the error would almost certainly be ammendable at Court and would not be a fatal error. There may however be a […]