Inquiry:  I was awaiting to turn left out of a commercial plaza that is located near a signaled intersection. On my left, the red light was blocking incoming traffic so I then checked right to verify that the lane I was merging into was clear before creeping forward. As I began to move, I quickly glanced left again and noticed the light had just turned green so I stopped immediately but my front was already partially in the lane. Unfortunately, there was a regional bus with a rolling start that passed through the intersection and clipped my front. When the police arrived, I was ticketed with Failure To Yield under HTA S139(1). I am wondering if I have an argument to say that I did indeed yield as soon as I could in order to fight the ticket. (Insurance has already covered the damage to the regional vehicle)

Response:  The matter could certainly be brought forward to Court to review the evidence in the case to determine in there is a defence to the charge.  If the Prosecutor has a solid case, we could examine if the charge could at least be reduced from the original three demerit points that you are facing.  If you would like to discuss your matter, we offer a no-cost initial review of cases via our toll-free number 1-866-801-8299.

Greg Currie
Office Manager (London)