Incorrect Address On Ticket
Inquiry: I received a ticket on the weekend due to a rolling stop at a stop sign. I had recently moved in to a new house in a different town and my address had changed. I had a temporary license with my new address on it (a piece of paper) and my old one with my old information […]
Seatbelt Charge – 2012-10-11
Inquiry: I got a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt a few days ago. My name is not spelled right on the ticket but also, the officer told me he could give me a speeding ticket which would involve demerit points but instead he was giving me the seatbelt ticket which does not cost any demerit points which I […]
London Ontario Parking Tickets
Inquiry: i have a few parking tickets and take full responsibility and i am going to pay them i just dont have enough funds to pay them all at once and within the 15 days what will happen? is there anyway to get an extension? Response: Unfortunately we do not deal with parking tickets. You will need […]
Suspension Of Licence For An Unpaid Fine
Inquiry: my son recently went to get his sticker they told him he would have to pay his fine before they could give him his sticker so he did and they gave him his sticker . He then recieved a letter aabout a week later saying his license was suspended because of the ticket . so we asumed […]
Red Light Camera Charge – 2012-10-10
Inquiry: I was snapped by a red light camera turning right at a intersection in Scarborough. In my car which is under my dads name. I have signed a form with the insurance company saying i will not drive any of the cars. I was wondering if I plead guilty will the insurance find out or if they […]
Parking Tickets 2012-10-09
Inquiry: i have a few parking tickets and i dont have enough funds to pay them off within the 15 days. i take full responsibility for the tickets and will pay for them all, but i was wondering is there any way i can get an extension? Response: I would recommend contacting the payment office listed on […]
Speeding and Operate M/V – No Licence
Inquiry: I was pulled over for speeding, but my licence was also expired for a few months. I was given a ticket for the expired licence, but forgiven for the speeding. Isn’t it illegal to be pulled over for no reason to have my licence checked? Since I wasn’t charged with speeding, I’m wondering if it is worthwhile to […]
Speeding Ticket – 75 km/h in 50 zone
Inquiry: I received a speeding ticket going 75 in a 50 zone right by my house. I was starting to slow down as I was about to get ready to turn left. The officer filled out the ticket information but on my Drivers License my name is Amanda Lee Trask. Lee is my middle name. He did […]
Spelling Error On Ticket – 2012-10-08
Inquiry: I got a ticket for running a stop sign and they spelt the color of my car wrong. They spelt it blu not blue, can my ticket be dismissed for that? Response: Unfortunately we are unable to provide service to your area. You will need to contact a local legal representative to get advice […]
G2 Licence With 4 Demerit Point Speeding Conviction
Inquiry: I have a G2. I was given speeding ticket on HWY 401. for 135km/hr. limit was 100km/hr. I paid the fine 265 $. Then I received a notice from Ontario Ministry of Transport about my license suspension for 30 days. I had no knowledge of License suspension. Do I have to submit my driver’s license on date specified? can […]