Incorrect Court Date Convictions

Inquiry:  I was given 2 tickets for expired registration & license, the cop gave me a court date that the court was closed. I took the badge # of the cop on duty that day who said he would vouch that the court was closed. This was on a Thur, Dec 30th, 2010. On Monday, […]

Multiple Charges…Can They Do That?

Inquiry: I was given 3 fines ( speeding, no seat belt, and failure to provde documents) all at the same time. i had the recent registration but could not find the recent insurance card. can you get multiple fines like that in one instance? I tried to explain it’s my parents car and i am […]

Disobey Stop Sign – Brief Stop

Inquiry: DID STOP AT THE SIGN BUT A BRIEF STOP BECAUSE THERE WAS NO ONE AROUND AT 7:00 AM – TINY SIDE STREET. SHOULD I PAY THE 110 OR SHOULD I FIGHT IT –  CAN I BEAT IT? Response:  If your vehicle came to a complete stop, then you may have a good defence to […]

Outstanding Fines and Suspension vs. Reinstatement Of Licence

Inquiry: hi had my licence suspended for inpair in ontario back in 2003 and have fines….imove outside of Ontario in 2006 and still live here. can i apply for a licence…. Response:  Unfortuantely I do not have specific knowledge regarding that situation.  The Ministry Of Transportation would be able to provide you with accurate information. […]

Reduced Speeding Charge and Disclosure Issues

Inquiry: The disclosure I received from the crown for a speeding ticket charge contained many errors in the police officer’s synopsis of the events. The most vital I believe is that he stated he was traveling westbound while I was traveling eastbound and the radar manually locked in my speed. The problem is that I […]

Unpaid Fines, Licence Suspension, and Reinstatement.

Inquiry: My husband now has un unknown amount of unpaid fines dating back from 2006 till now. We estimate the total to be over $25,000. (yes you read correctly!) Where do we go to find out the exact amount is owed and how we can start paying them off? We went to our city hall […]

Unpaid Fines and Suspended Licence (3/15/2011)

Inquiry: My son has finally received copies of HTA tickets from the court, after several requests. There are tickets from 2003 and 2004 – driving without licence/insurance (total of 4 tickets). He lost his licence due to unpaid fines, which is not the issue. The amounts are quite high and he says he doesn’t want to […]

Missed Court Date and Reopening a Conviction

Inquiry: Hello, I recently missed a court date for a DR M/V USING HAND HELD DEVICE charge. It occured May 24/10.  I wasn’t able to attend the court date, I was busy getting laid off from work that day.  Is this a case that can be reopened? And will I be able to reduce the […]

G2 Licence Suspensions, Demerit Points, and Speeding

Inquiry:  I got a speeding ticket worth 3 demerit points. I only have my G2 and was wondering if that is enough to get your drive suspended. With a G2 how many demerit points can you get before you get it suspended and once i get my G will they get cleared from my record. […]

Speeding Charge – Reduced At Roadside

Inquiry:  My speeding ticket was reduced from 38 km/h over to 28 km/h over. do i get the demerit points for the lower speed or the higher. if so how can i try to make it so my insurance company doesnt raise the prices. Response:  The charge has been reduced from a 4 demerit point offence, […]