Multiple Charges – Who Gets What Exactly?

Inquiry: I bought a car in August 2011 and because of overwhelming problems, I didn’t get the opportunity to transfer the car into my name. In October I went with my girl friend to transfer the car in my name. We were asked for id and before you know it, my gf license information was […]

Incorrect Licence Plate Number On Ticket

Inquiry:  Hello, I used another firm to fight my speeding ticket, I did mention my plate# on the ticket was incorrect, it seems that was not pointed out and now the conviction notice has an incorrect plate but all other information is correct. Is this something that I should have fought in court? Response:  Not […]

Drive Under Suspension – 2011-04-25

Inquiry:  i was pulled over for the above 31/03/11 and was givin a ticket for the above as they state there is an unpaid ticket the court date is tommorrow in cambridge i am unable to pay this ticket this month since i received on thursday a notice of claim on my 2nd mortgage and […]

Fail To Properly Wear Seatbelt (Passenger)

Inquiry: Hi, I got a $240 ticket for not wearing a seatbelt in the passenger side. My question is, can I get this ticket possiby reduced? As I am a single mom and cannot afford to pay that much money. Thank you. Response:  If you are looking to have the charge or the fine reduced, […]

Right Turn On Red Arrow

Inquiry: Hello, I received a traffic ticket for a right turn on a red arrow. The officer put down the incorrect gender and age on the ticket. Do I have reason for dismissal on there grounds? Response:  Unfortunately your ticket is outside of our area of service.  You will need to contact a local legal […]

Multiple Charges – Vehicle Permit/Plate

Inquiry: I got two tickets one for not currently valid sticker on plate and one for not currently valid sticker on permit ( it was late by 8 days in the same month) . now i have got renewed stickers. Can I avoid the fine or i have to pay Response:  From what you describe, […]

Fail To Yield From Private Driveway

Inquiry: I was involved in an accident and got a ticket for “Fail to yeild from private driveway”. The officer wrote down the wrong month (03 instead of 04) on both the ticket and the report. Does this make my ticket invalid? He also got my car colour, model and number of doors on my […]

Pleading Guilty With An Explanation

Inquiry:  hi i am wondering if it is worth going to the justtice of the peace with a plead guilty with explanation. I was clocked going 91km/hr in a 60km/hr zone and i know i was speeding but i was wondering if they will dismiss my ticket, lower the fee, or keep it the same. […]

Parking Ticket – Handicap Zone

Inquiry: This weekend in Rim park Waterloo was the Ontario Provicial Volleyball Tournament. Parking was all full. People were parking everywhere. It was crazy, I parked on a yellow painted area next to Handicap Parking spots. There was a vehicle in the Handicap parking space next to me on the right. on the left was […]

Error On Ticket – Incorrect Street Spelling

Inquiry: Hi I was recently caught speeding and I was going 25 KM/hr over and had it reduced to 10. I was wondering though that the officer spelt the street name which i was travelling on incorectly and wondering if i can fight the ticket based on this. Response:  If the only issue with the […]