Inquiry: i have gotten a no seat belt ticket, 2 minor speeding tickets and a ticket for my lights being to muddy. will this stop me from getting my G i ontario?. this tickets are from march – april and i didnt go to court or pay them

Response:  I can not directly advise you on current MTO policies regarding the booking of tests for G licences.  However, you likely have two major problems in being able to drive.  First, if you have not paid your fines, then our licence may may currently be suspended for unpaid fines.  It is important that you contact the MTO to determine the status of your licence before driving further.  If you are charged with Drive Under Suspension, you will be facing a maximum total fine of $6,250, a mandatory further 6 months suspension of your licence, and up to 6 months in jail.  The other major issue that you will have is being insurable.  If you are a newer or younger driver and already have four convictions on your driving history, it is likely that you will no longer qualify for standard insurance.  High-risk insurance policies can be prohibitively expensive and you may be approaching the point of being non-insurable.

Every week I see clients in my office, similiar to yourself, who have left easily defendable charges to go to conviction in their past.  We offer a no-cost initial consultation with clients to determine whether or not there is any likely benefit to contesting the charges that they face.  Most case reviews take approximatley 15 minutes and can save demerits, thousands of dollars on insurance, avoid suspension of licence or jail, and reduce other penalties such as fines.  Given the length of time that you have not dealt with your charges, there is likely little that can be done at this point except for damage control on the consequences of having not dealt with them.  If you are unable to immediately pay your outstanding fines to the court, we could be of assistance in drafting and filing paperwork on your behalf at Court for minimal cost to help you get your licence reinstated.  Our staff can be reached via our toll-free number 1-866-801-8299.

Greg Currie
Branch Manger (London)
Sales Manager (Ontario)