Speeding and Failing To Surrender Documents

Inquiry:  My brother was driving my car and was pulled over for speeding. He forgot his wallet at home and couldn’t show his driver’s license or my insurance papers. He got a ticket for speeding and failure to show documents. Is it true that you can show up to a police station within 24 hours with license and insurance […]

Speeding On A Motorcycle

Inquiry:   I was speed to get away from a possible traffic accident. I was on my motorcycle and coming off a ramp onto a freeway (E.C.Row in Windsor). I had two tracker trailers in front of my and i wanted to get tho the speed of the freeway min. I passed these trucks and continued about 1/8 […]

Speed Ticket With Missing Information

Inquiry:   Was stopped for speeding. 73km/h in a 50km/h zone. Was provided with a hand written ticket and the officer did not include my DL# on the ticket. Am I able to challenge the the facial validity of the ticket and if so, have the ticket and offense thrown out as aresult of missed information at the […]

Speeding and Stop Sign

Inquiry:  Hi, I like to discuss what my options are. I got 2 tickets same day. Speeding over 15 km in 60 zone and then the cop followed me and gave me not having full stopped on the stop sign. What is your process and fees ?  Is there possibility that both tickets can be […]

Speeding – Officer Error On Ticket?

Inquiry:  I got a speeding ticket but he wrote down the wrong name for the registration. Is it enough to fight it? Response:  I’m not sure what you are specifically referring to with ‘wrong name for the registration.’  Generally, most speeding charges can be reduced to lesser offences and in some cases when may be […]

Speeding – Wrong Vehicle Stopped?

Inquiry:  hello my wife was going down a steep hill and the officer was coming from the other direction at the bottom of the hill using moving radar. the car next to my wife was going faster than her but the office hit her with the charge and she was not speeding. how do i […]

Speeding In Quebec

Inquiry:  Hello, I got a speeding ticket in Quebec and on the vehicle portion of the ticket the officer recorded that the province of registration for my vehicle Quebec when in fact it is registered in Ontario. Is this grounds for dismissal -i.e. can i argue that the officer was mistaken and got the wrong […]

20 km/h Over The Speed Limit

Inquiry:  Revived a ticket in Chatham for 100 in a 80 in Chatham Kent. The officer used my entire old address on my licence rather than the paper I presented him from the DMV with my address change. He was sitting on the side of the road and said he got me going 101 I […]

Speeding With Wrong Offence Location

Inquiry:  Just given a ticket for 28 over. The officer put the wrong location of offense on the ticket, is this grounds for dismissal? Response:  That will not be a grounds for dismissial.  The charge itself carries 3 demerit points.  With charges such as the one you have been issued, we would want to see […]

Speeding, Licence, and Insurance Problems

Inquiry:  My friend was speeding (49 over the posted speed limit), yes this is really bad. I’m really interested in law and plan on pursueing it as a career, so he asked me if he could use the fact that the officer wrote he was on lasalle during the incident, but he didn’t put on […]