Reduced Speeding Charge With Error

Inquiry:  got a ticket 113 in an 80, lowered to 20 over – postal code written wrong… can i use that for anything? Response:  The officer has lowered your charge from a 4 demerit point offence to a 3 demerit point offence.  The error in the postal code would almost certainly have no impact on […]

Red Light – Fail To Stop (6/18/2011)

Inquiry: I got pulled over the other day and the officer told me that he pulled me over because i was the 3rd one through the yellow light (which defined means procceed with caution) but my ticket says red light fail to stop… my address is also spelt wrong anything i can do about this? […]

Speeding – Error On Ticket (7/16/2011)

Inquiry: Last night, on my way home after work, a van cut me off on my driving lane, so I had to avoid to pass the van . The policeman with radar had stopped me,and gave me a ticket said I was speeding over 80 km at 70km zone . The fine was $40. But […]

Fatal Error? – Unsigned Ticket

Inquiry: I recieved a seatbelt ticket in April during a Seat Belt Blitz. However I noticed that the officer didn’t sign the ticket where he is supposed to. Is this a fatal error ?? Response:  The Officer may have signed their copy of the ticket that was filed with the Court to certify service.  The […]

Drive M/V – No Licence

Inquiry: Basically i was driving to work today, pulled onto my work property (home depot) and parked my car. The cop pulled in front of my car, got out and asked for my license and reg and ins. I gave it, he stated I had an expired license. I was shocked because I had never […]

Incorrect Licence Plate Number On Ticket

Inquiry:  Hello, I used another firm to fight my speeding ticket, I did mention my plate# on the ticket was incorrect, it seems that was not pointed out and now the conviction notice has an incorrect plate but all other information is correct. Is this something that I should have fought in court? Response:  Not […]

Fail To Yield From Private Driveway

Inquiry: I was involved in an accident and got a ticket for “Fail to yeild from private driveway”. The officer wrote down the wrong month (03 instead of 04) on both the ticket and the report. Does this make my ticket invalid? He also got my car colour, model and number of doors on my […]

Error On Ticket – Incorrect Street Spelling

Inquiry: Hi I was recently caught speeding and I was going 25 KM/hr over and had it reduced to 10. I was wondering though that the officer spelt the street name which i was travelling on incorectly and wondering if i can fight the ticket based on this. Response:  If the only issue with the […]

Change Lane Not In Safety With Incorrect Plate Number

Inquiry: My 18 year old son received a ticket for unsafe lane change on highway 417 causing sideswipe of other vehicle. Other vehicle may have been changing lanes at same time. Problem I have with the ticket is the Police wrote completely wrong license plate number on ticket. Is this enough to contest ticket? Response:  […]

Anxious In Ontario – Error On Ticket

Inquiry: Hi. I got a speeding ticket last January 02, of 2011 driving 109kms on a posted 80kms. I know I am guilty of driving that speed and paid it online through credit card. A month after My payment had been returned. I was worried coz maybe they refused by payment. I tried to call […]