Drive Under Suspension – 2012-12-03

Inquiry:  Nov. 13 I was convicted for a second time for driving while under suspension and no isurance, I received a fine for both charges, and just found out today that my license is currently suspended for 6 months. Is there any way to get my license re-instated before the 6 months is up, as I need my vehicle […]

Drive Under Suspension – 2012-12-01

Inquiry:  I was pulled over the day after my suspension started, I had no clue that I was suspended because my forwarding mail expired at around the time I would have received the notice. If I would have known I wouldn’t have changed lanes right in front of a cop, in fact I would not have been driving. […]

Drive Under Suspension – 2012-11-24

Inquiry:  Hi My friend was given a ticket for “Driving with a suspended licence” due to a speeding offence in July. it was to be reinstated in November.He wasn’t exactly sure of the date but he knew it was around this week. He did not have his G2 on him although he thought his licence was already reinstated and it […]

Drive Under Suspension Appeal

Inquiry:  i was convicted of driving while under suspension and i am currently having this under appeal as i was not at this court date i was not aware that my liscence was suspended again after just being reinstated. if this conviction is appealed when can i reinstate my liscence if I have no outstanding fines? Response:   If […]

Drive Under Suspension In Ontario

Inquiry:  i had my drive suspended in ontaio 6 years ago and never paid the 5 thousand worth of fines… no i jave a n.s. license what happens if i go back and try to use my n.s. license Response:  If you are stopped for driving in Ontario with a suspended Ontario Licence you may […]

Drive Under Suspension – Error On Ticket

Inquiry:  Hello, I recieved a ticket for “driving with a suspended license” in Windsor Ontario, the police officer mixed up the letters of my license plate, does this make a difference? Response:   Unfortunately that will not be a critical error.  Drive Under Suspension carries a total payable fine up to $6,250.00, a mandatory 6 month suspension of […]

Drive Under Suspension – 2013-10-31

Inquiry:   I received a ticket for driving while suspened and the date it was to have occurred on was wrong! Response:  Unfortunately you are outside of our area of service.  You will need to contact a local legal representative to get assistance in your matter. Sincerely, Greg Currie Office Manager (London)

Driving Under Suspension

Inquiry:  I wanted to know if i wasn’t even driving the vehicle but yet i was on the side of the road changing a blown tire. Can the police still charge you for driving while under suspension. I was the only person in the vehicle at the time. Wasn’t on a highway either, I was drving on a […]

Licence Suspension Due To Unpaid Fines (10/26/2012)

Inquiry:  My lic has been suspended since 2008 for unpaid fines two being driving under suspension and G1 Novis about 6-7000 dollars I would like to get my lic back what can I do if I can pay it all at once I 28 yr old Response:  You could check with your local court clerks to see […]

Licence Suspension For Unpaid Fines (10/16/2012)

Inquiry:  My Ontario DL was suspended due to unpaid fines (speeding /parking). I have been living outside of Canada ( In Greece) for the past 7 yrs. I will be home for vacation , what happens if I am caught driving with an expired / suspended DL? I don’t have the time to re-take the test in 2 […]