Unpaid Ticket And Pending Licence Suspension

Inquiry:  I have a unpaid ticket that I was under the assumption was already paid but apparently i wrote the check wrong. I re sent the payment via mail today Friday February 1st 2013 and the due date was today will my licence still be suspended? seeing they wont get the cheq untill monday or tuesday? Response:  It […]

Suspended Licence – 2013-01-25

Inquiry:  Hi, I had my Licence suspended for 1 month about 3 years ago. I am applying to become a cop here and am worried about what could happen after I disclose to them that I drove while suspended. I didn’t drive aften, maybe around 10 times all month. Can I still be charged? Response:  You would have […]

ID Card and Licence Suspension

Inquiry:   My license is currently suspended and I need either my license passport or I’d card too transfer funds out of a sports betting website am I able to get an Id card without my license being cancelled ? Thanks Response:  Our company deals with Highway Traffic Act and Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act offences.  While we […]

Unpaid Fines and Licence Suspension – 2013-01-15

Inquiry:  Can MTO stop me from getting my license back if I have not fully paid a Driving with no insurance conviction ??? I want to pay off some Parking fines I have and Now Im being told my license was re – suspended for the Insurance charge ? Response:  If you have fines due to the […]

Drive Under Suspension – 2013-01-15

Inquiry:  Cops were at my house as i was walking up to the garage a cop asked who was I, and i cooperated. Another cop came from inside my house and didnt see me park across the street. He still cited me for driving on a suspended license even though he didnt pull me over nor was i […]

Suspended Licence – 2013-01-13

Inquiry:  i have always had a good driving record until i had a bad year i got five tickets in one year did not make it to court for any of them do to the abusive relationship i was in so my licence is suspended this was all about five years ago now i am free from the […]

Fifth Drive Under Suspension

Inquiry:  My boyfriend got caught driving while under suspension for the 5th time.  I’m scared of what will happen, could there be possible jail time? and how would that work? because he needs to go to work and support his mom. Response:  Generally for a fifth offence of DRIVE UNDER SUSPENSION, the Crown Prosecutor will be […]

Unpaid Fines – 2013-01-01

Inquiry:   I lost my licence several years ago due to unpaid fines. It is at about$8000 now . Is there any way I can go to court and make a deal to have it reduced so I can pay it in full? I would rather pay it off in one shot instead of payments but need my […]

Appealing a Conviction – 2012-12-28

Inquiry:  my licence is suspended do to wrong mailing address. I just made full payment how can i appeal for court date Response:  Having paid the fine, you will be unable to resolve the matter by the less involved process of a reopening.  If you are intending to file an appeal of the matter, you can […]

Unpaid Fines and Licence Suspension – 2012-12-25

Inquiry:  I have some long unpaid traffic fines. The fines are due since 2002 and since then my license is suspended due to ‘unpaid fines’. I can go ahead and make full payment and get my license re-instated. However, I would like to know, if there may be a provision of some waiver/reduction in the fines payable. If so, […]