Change Lane Not In Safety – Collision

Inquiry:  My son was charged for lane change not in safety after signaling. After successfully making the lane change, the light turned yellow so he stopped and the car behind did not stop in time and hit our vehicle in the rear bumper. As no one was hurt but damages seemed to be in excess of […]

Change Lane Not In Safety With Incorrect Plate Number

Inquiry: My 18 year old son received a ticket for unsafe lane change on highway 417 causing sideswipe of other vehicle. Other vehicle may have been changing lanes at same time. Problem I have with the ticket is the Police wrote completely wrong license plate number on ticket. Is this enough to contest ticket? Response:  […]

Change Lane Not In Safety (2/25/2011)

Inquiry: I was on a street in a right lane, signalled and turned into the left lane. Within a second the light ahead turned yellow so I stopped and the car behind me that was behind me when I switched lanes was unable to come to a complete stop and hit in the rear bumper. […]

Change Lane Not In Safety – HTA 142(1)

Question:  Today I got into an accident with another vehicle, i was travelling south in the right hand lane of a 3 lane roadway, the southbound being a double lane. I was intending to turn left across the two remaining lanes, and signalled my intent, checked my mirrors, and proceeded to turn. Unfortunatley, there was […]

Offense vs Section of Highway Traffic Act

Question: I was involved with a minor accident recently and the officer charged me with Change Lane – Not in Safety. The Offense Notice cites Secton 142(1) of the Highway Traffic Act. Any information I have found online about Section 142 has to do with School Busses – which had nothing to do with this […]