Seat belt Offence

Inquiry:  hi i was stopped by traffic cops on the 4/12/12 at 21:35, while driving an hgv,they done me for not wearing a seat belt, even though i was wearing it as i allways do,they said because i was leaning to far it was dark i cant see how they would have known even if i was […]

Messy Seat Belt Ticket

Inquiry:  I was pulled over and given a ticket for ” driver- failed to properly wear seatbelt ” upon review of the ticket one of the numbers in my license number isn’t correct or not distinct. Further review the ” r’s” with in my first name and on some other words on the ticket look like ” I’s […]

Passenger – Fail To Wear Seatbelt

Inquiry:  I was in the passenger seat of the vehicle. I was wearing my seatbelt. I needed my cell phone to make an emergency phone call and had to bend forwards to reach to look for it. I could not reach it and therefore had to undo the seatbelt. I could not find it and had a short […]

Seat Belt Charge On Private Property

Inquiry:  My son got a ticket for not having his seatbelt on in a drive through at MacDonald’s. The police told them to get out of line and drive over to them. My son said he had it on but took it off to find his wallet and pay for his food. Response:  Seat belt charges apply to […]

Seatbelt Charge – 2012-10-11

Inquiry:  I got a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt a few days ago. My name is not spelled right on the ticket but also, the officer told me he could give me a speeding ticket which would involve demerit points but instead he was giving me the seatbelt ticket which does not cost any demerit points which I […]

Unpaid Fine For A Seatbelt Ticket

Inquiry:  Hi there, My friend received a seat belt ticket 2 years ago and still hasn’t paid it. How can he pay this ticket and is he able to take a G2 road test with this ticket’s existence? Response:  When a ticket goes beyond it’s payment due date, the MTO suspends the driver’s licence for the unpaid fine. […]

Seatbelt and Cell Phone Charges

Inquiry:  I was with my bf in his company van. A cop pulled up beside us. Neither of us wearing seatbelts. Bf was using his work gone on speaker. Cop pulled us over and gave him 2 tickets. One for using a hand held on speaker phone. The other for his seatbelt. Strangely enough I didn’t get one […]

Seatbelt For Two

Inquiry:  i recieved a ride home the other night from a friend and had to share a seatbelt, we went through a ride-program both recieved a 240 dollar inproper seatbelt ticket, then he let us drive away. Can an officer ticket you, then let you drive away doing the same thing? Response:  The charge likely […]

Fail To Properly Wear Seatbelt (Passenger)

Inquiry: Hi, I got a $240 ticket for not wearing a seatbelt in the passenger side. My question is, can I get this ticket possiby reduced? As I am a single mom and cannot afford to pay that much money. Thank you. Response:  If you are looking to have the charge or the fine reduced, […]

Multiple Charges…Can They Do That?

Inquiry: I was given 3 fines ( speeding, no seat belt, and failure to provde documents) all at the same time. i had the recent registration but could not find the recent insurance card. can you get multiple fines like that in one instance? I tried to explain it’s my parents car and i am […]