Parking Ticket – 2011-12-28

Inquiry: My husband and I parked our car in what we thought was legal parking but I guess wasn’t. We parked our car at 6:00pm and when we returned to our car later that night we had a parking ticket for 115 dollars. However the officer wrote that the ticket was issued at 5:05pm which […]

Parking Ticket – Handicap Zone

Inquiry: This weekend in Rim park Waterloo was the Ontario Provicial Volleyball Tournament. Parking was all full. People were parking everywhere. It was crazy, I parked on a yellow painted area next to Handicap Parking spots. There was a vehicle in the Handicap parking space next to me on the right. on the left was […]

Private Property Parking Problems

Inquiry: I was parked at a Go Transit lot in Ajax, On in the lot of a bankrupt restaurant adjacent to the station. I received a ticket for being ‘parked on private property’ without consent from the town of Ajax.  It is unsigned by the issuing officer, is this a valid technicality to have it […]

Towed away…on the wrong day!

Inquiry:  I received a violation for parking in a tow zone on Nov 24. However, the officer wrote December 24. Today is November 30. May I contest this? Response:  It is possible that the officer may not file the ticket with the Court given the error.  You may have a valid defense to the charge […]

Parking Ticket Problem

Question:  I just parked at a local deli downtown for maybe 10 minutes and got a ticket! I’ve parked there before and asked a ticket officer whatever they’re called if I had to buy a ticket if I was just running in & he said no! Do I have a chance to fight this?  I […]

Handicap Parking Problem

Question:   Have our disabled sign on left side dash of our car- good till 2014. Parked in a wheelchiar parking spot at Wallmart in Woodstock. It accidently moved down slightly to the left not displaying the 4 clearly,was not aware of this, everything else showing very clearly. Got left a ticket for $300.00 is this […]

Parking Ticket Problems!

Question:  I was parked on the street where there aren’t any signs stating that you cannot park there. I got a ticket for parking more than 3 hours. The street address on the ticket gives the address for the south side of the road, not the north side which I was parked on. It says […]

Parking Ticket (Handicap)

Question: did not notice handicap spot. Got a ticket. What can be done Answer: While parking tickets do not show on your driving history, the fines on these charges can be very high. Generally, hiring a paralegal for a parking ticket will incur more cost than benefit. However, you may be able to have the […]

Parking Ticket in Gatineau – 2010-03-17

Question:I have over $2000 in parking tickets, all acquired in the same time frame. The first ticket was for parking in a snow route, included $75 for towing. They towed the car to another street and of course ticketed the car again. This process went on to the tune of 10 or so tickets til […]

Parking Ticket – 2010-03-10

Question: I received a parking ticket in Gatineau Quebec. In all identification areas of the ticket my vehicle is identified as having a PQ license plate. My vehicle has an Ontario plate. Is this error enough to get the ticket nullified? Answer: Unfortunately I cannot give you direct information pretaining to Quebec charges of any […]