Unpaid Ticket And Pending Licence Suspension

Inquiry:  I have a unpaid ticket that I was under the assumption was already paid but apparently i wrote the check wrong. I re sent the payment via mail today Friday February 1st 2013 and the due date was today will my licence still be suspended? seeing they wont get the cheq untill monday or tuesday? Response:  It […]

Date Of Birth Error On Ticket – 2013-01-30

Inquiry:  I have received a fine for the subject but yet the officer failed to write my proper birthday on the ticket… can i do anything ? or its not fatal ? Response:  Generally an incorrect date of birth is not a fatal error.  However, there may be other defences to the charge or it may […]

Can I Get My Fines Lowered After Conviction?

Inquiry:  Hello, I have some tickets that I have been paying off and getting extensions for. I have always paid more then what I have been instructed. I was wondering if there is a way to get them to reduce or annul or to cancel out my tickets entirely. Response:  Unfortunately, arguments regarding penalties are made at […]

Vehicle Permit

Inquiry:  I was issued a ticket for failure to surrender my vehicle ownership permit.  Will I accumulate any demerit points and is the fine subject to any insurance purposes. Response:  We would need to see your ticket or know the specific section of the HTA that you’ve been charged under to give a definitive answer.  However, permit charges […]

Underage Driver Without A Licence

Inquiry:  My 15 year old was driving without a licence. No one saw him driving, but the car was found crashed into a pole and the 15 y.o. said he was driving — Do they police actually have to see him driving? If he is found guilty after going to trial – how does that affect his […]

Suspended Licence – 2013-01-25

Inquiry:  Hi, I had my Licence suspended for 1 month about 3 years ago. I am applying to become a cop here and am worried about what could happen after I disclose to them that I drove while suspended. I didn’t drive aften, maybe around 10 times all month. Can I still be charged? Response:  You would have […]

Extension Of Time To Pay Fine

Inquiry:  I was convicted with running a red light via camera and the judge did not lower my fine so I am expected to pay $325.00 CAD in 90 days.  I don’t make a lot of money and I don’t think I will be able to pay this.  I was hoping if you could tell me, can […]

Driving Record and Employment

Inquiry:  I have an interview with the TTC but one of the requirements is that you have 2 or less offenses now I have 2 speeding tickets 1 that I forgot to pay off causing my license to get suspended. With that being said is that considered a third offense? Keep in mind I was not driving or […]

Unpaid Fine – 2013-01-22

Inquiry:  I have overdue fines due to driving without insurance, its been a 2 years since my court date is there anyway for me to make payment arrangements or reduce my fines and get my lisence back before final payment? Response:  You will need to address the unpaid fine before being able to reinstate your licence.  You […]

Unpaid Fines – 2013-01-21

Inquiry:  I had a bunch of tickets for open liquer and I was wondering if that will stop me from getting a drivers license and if there is a way to not pay because I am on welfare. Response:  You will need to contact the MTO to see if the unpaid fines will prohibit you from getting […]