Hello Nancy,
Warning Ticket inquiry? If you received a warning, it does not have to be contested, as the ticket would not contain a fine payable to the Court, or options on how to dispute the ticket. More information on traffic tickets can be found on Ticket Defenders.
Please contact our office at 1‑866-801-8299 for a free consultation.
Inquiry: Does a warning ticket have to be contested? I got a “Not in Safety”
Name: Nancy
warning for a lane change where an unmarked police car was speeding and
trying to pass me on the right as I was merging into an exit lane on the
highway. I’m going to report him to the OIPRD as I have video and
audio evidence of the encounter that supports my case, but do I have to
challenge the ticket? I have never been pulled over before in 34 years of
driving, and I was not at fault here either, and I do not want anything on
my record that could make my insurance go up.