Inquiry:  I received a speeding ticket in Sudbury (where I do not live). I was doing 116 km/h in an 80 km/h zone. The officer reduced the ticket to a 105 in an 80 with an $118.75 fine. The officer said there was no points so to avoid travelling back to Sudbury I paid the fine at my local provincial court. Is there anything I can do to appeal it given that I only paid it because I was under the impression there were no points attached?

Response:  At 25 km/h over the posted speed limit, the charge carries 3 demerit points.  I frequently see clients in my office who have been given incorrect legal information by an Officer at roadside.  The best advice is to contact our office when you are issued a charge as we offer a no-cost initial review of cases to review the merits of the case and the likely outcome at court.  By paying the fine you have plead guilty to the charge.  An appeal could be filed with the court, however in the end whether or not the appeal is granted would come down to the Judge reviewing the application.

Greg Currie
Office Manager, London