Wrong Gender On Ticket- 2010-07-11

Question: i got a ticket this weekend and i noticed on the ticket the cop had marked down that my sex was Male when i am actually a girl. will my ticket now be invalid? Answer: Unfortunately that will not be a fatal error on the ticket. The driver’s licence number recorded on the ticket […]

Error On Ticket – Mispelled Offence

Question: I received a ticket for failure to yeild to right of way. but on the ticket the officer wrote Field to yield to right of way. Does that make any difference? Answer: Unfortunately the error would almost certainly be ammendable at Court and would not be a fatal error. There may however be a […]

Speeding In The ‘Soo’

Question:   I recently got a speeding ticket (30 over) While driving just outside Saulte St Marie. My problem is I live in Ingersoll. Can I try to have this reduced without returning to the Soo?? Answer:  For most speeding cases, we do not have our clients present at Court.  Generally most 30 km/h over the […]

Seatbelt Charge – Error On Ticket

Question:  I got a charge on 14 April this year.   Failing to wear seat belt in Kitchener. After looking over the ticket and looking and the section and sub section number written on the ticket I noticed that the office had written the wrong sub section. He had written 106 (3) Response:  HTA 106(3) is […]

Filing Period – How Long?

Question:  live in Saskatchewan, My daughter was issued a ticket for too many people in her vehicle other than family members. She was given the option to voluntary pay the fine in advance or appear in court. My question is when given the voluntary option how many days are you given to pay the fine? […]

Fail to Properly Wear Seatbelt – Reduce to 0 Points?

Question:  What is the charge that a seat belt ticket can be reduced to that would not have any points attached to it? Answer:  Most Courts tend to resolve seatbelt charges via trial.  However, in some jurisdictions a Fail To Properly Wear Seatbelt charge can be reduced to the 0 demerit point offence, Inopperable Seatbelt.  […]

Cell Phones And Distract Driving

Question: I got a cell phone ticket for 115 dollars does this have points ?? What can I do Answer: The charge carries no demerit points, but will be registered as a conviction on your driving record and will therefore likely have an impact on your insurance rate.  It is possible to challenge the evidence […]

Removing A Conviction On Your Driving Record

QUESTION: Hi there, is there any way to remove a speeding ticket from your drivers abstract in Ontario? I’ve Ben unemployed for about a year and have a great job opportunity, but I have a speeding ticket that is holding me back from getting the job 🙁 Any help on this matter is greatly appreciated. […]

Hit and Run

<details of issue removed for confidentiality> I would recommend contacting Dana Smith at our head office at 1-866-801-8299 to review this matter. Sincerely, Greg Currie Office Manager, London

STOP Sign Disobey

Question:  I recently got a Stop Sign disobey Ticket near my house in Scarborough. The Police car was nowhere seen, and as soon as I crossed the intersection, it appeared from the street and gave me a ticket for not stopping. Can anything be done ? It is my very first ticket. I have a 3 […]