Incorrect Date On Ticket (4/11/2012)

Inquiry:  the officer wrote down the date he took the report, instead of the date of the mishap. Is this a “fatal” error Response:  I would want one of our staff to look at the ticket in specific detail.  There are different areas on the ticket of the offence date and for the date of […]

Speeding With Wrong Offence Location

Inquiry:  Just given a ticket for 28 over. The officer put the wrong location of offense on the ticket, is this grounds for dismissal? Response:  That will not be a grounds for dismissial.  The charge itself carries 3 demerit points.  With charges such as the one you have been issued, we would want to see […]

Errors on Ticket – 2012-04-01

Inquiry:  A police officer wrote down my birthday wrong and didn’t write my driver’s license number on the ticket. The only correct information is my name, should I fight the ticket, do i pay for it? Is there anyway they can actually track me down? it was given to me due to a a loud […]

The Wrong Time To Speed

Inquiry:  I recieved a Speeding ticket today, it’s only for 15 over. 105 in a 90. The officer Wrote the wrong time on the ticket. I was pulled over this morning before noon, He wrote the time of the stop as 11:55 pm. Meaning I technically have yet to commit the offense because it is […]

Wrong Street Number

Inquiry:  the police man wrote the wrong street number on the ticket for my address! is there anyway of fighting that? Response:  The street number problem would not be a grounds to have the charge thrown out.  However, with more information we can advise on whether or not there are other grounds to have the […]

Wrong Licence Plate Number On Ticket

Inquiry:  Hello, I received a speeding ticket in Ontario and upon review of the ticket I noticed that the license plate number on the ticket is not my license plate number. Does this void the ticket? Response:  Unfortunately not.  However, we generally do want to be aware of such issues incase any leverage can by […]

Incorrect Speed Limit?

Inquiry:  Hello, I was pulled over for speeding. The officer said I was doing 72km/h in a 50km/h zone. I was shocked as I was sure it was a 60km/h zone. The officer wrote me a ticket for 65km/h in a 50km/h zone. Later I checked the limit and it is clearly a 60km/h zone. […]

Speeding 105/90

Inquiry:  hello. i was issued a speeding ticket on Friday February 16th. i was charged with doing 105 in a posted 90. The officer made a mistake on the licence plate number. my licence plate reads 3yp but on the ticket it is 3xp. i was wondering if i have a chance at fighting it. […]

Slippery Roads – Improper Right Turn Charge

Inquiry: My daughter was involved in a accident this evening. She left the house, drove 75 meters to turn right at the end of our street (No stop sign or yield) The weather was slick and she was travelling at a maximum of 20 klm an hour. She tried to make the right turn but […]

Fail To Yield From Driveway

Inquiry:  I received a ticket for offence 139 (1). Fail to yield from driveway. That is all the offence he put on there. Also cross streets were incorrect. Name was spelt incorrectly. What should I do pay or try to fight. Really would like demerits lowered.  Help. Response:   The charge you’ve listed is a 3 […]