
Question: cop spelt my name wrong Answer: An incorrectly spelled name unfortunately may not be a fatal error on the ticket as the Court may accept your driver’s licence number on the ticket as being a unique identifier. There may be other issues with your charge that we can review with you to see if […]

Parking Ticket – 2010-03-10

Question: I received a parking ticket in Gatineau Quebec. In all identification areas of the ticket my vehicle is identified as having a PQ license plate. My vehicle has an Ontario plate. Is this error enough to get the ticket nullified? Answer: Unfortunately I cannot give you direct information pretaining to Quebec charges of any […]

Parking Ticket

Question: I have a parking ticket, but on the ticket it says my licence # is ISHI9O. My plate is actually ISHIDO. It is clearly written wrong and there is no way one could be mistaken for the other. What should I do? Answer: Parking tickets are not something we usually fight. It will cost […]