Stop Sign.

What are the consequences of running a stop sign?

Running a stop sign while operating a motor vehicle can lead to serious consequences, including traffic tickets, fines, points on your driving record, increased insurance rates, accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. Don’t just pay the fine, fight back with our legal service at Ticket Defenders! Our experienced paralegals will help you beat that ticket in court.

Have you received a stop sign ticket?

If you’ve received a stop sign violation for: failure to come to a complete stop or rolling stop under the ontario highway traffic act.
Stop sign

Have you received a ticket for a stop sign violation?

If you’ve received a stop sign violation for: failure to come to a complete stop or rolling stop under the ontario highway traffic act.

Here are some steps you can take to potentially beat the ticket:

1. **Review the Circumstances**: Reflect on the situation where you received the ticket. Were there any extenuating circumstances? Document any details that may support your case.

2. **Check for Errors**: Review the ticket for any errors or inaccuracies. Mistakes in details like time, date, or location could potentially invalidate the ticket.

3. **Consider Contesting the Ticket**: You may choose to contest the ticket in traffic court. Prepare your arguments, gather any evidence supporting your case (such as witness statements or photographs), and present your defense professionally.

4. **Consult with a Paralegal**: If you’re uncertain about contesting the ticket on your own, consider consulting with a traffic attorney who specializes in these matters. They can provide legal advice and represent you in court if needed.

5. **Attend Court Hearings**: If you decide to contest the ticket, make sure to attend all required court hearings and present your case clearly and respectfully.

Remember, each situation is unique, and the outcome may vary based on individual circumstances and local laws. It’s important to approach this process thoughtfully and consider seeking professional guidance if necessary.

Failure to stop at stop sign? What now?

Demerit points are typically assigned to drivers for traffic offenses or violations, and these points can have implications on your drivers licence. This charges are considered absolute liability offences. Any conviction can affect your car insurance rates.

Having multiple demerit points as a full G driver can lead to the suspension of your license, especially if you are still considered a novice driver. Novice drivers typically have fewer points allowed before facing license suspension compared to experienced drivers. It is important for all drivers to be aware of the demerit point system and the potential consequences, including the suspension of your driver’s licence. To see the full list of charges and their associated demerit points please go here: Demerit point table. A conviction to disobey stop sign charge will result in three (3) demerit points being applied to your Ontario driver’s licence from the offence date. If you have been charged and have accumulated too many demerit points, it is important to seek legal advice and understand the potential consequences for your driver’s licence, including the possibility of having your driver’s licence suspended.

How does being convicted of a stop sign ticket affect my insurance rates?

Some insurance companies may have specific policies regarding how they handle drivers with demerit points. They may offer programs or incentives for drivers to improve their driving record and reduce their demerit points, which can ultimately lead to lower insurance premiums.

It is essential for drivers to be aware of how demerit points can impact their insurance rates and take necessary steps to maintain a clean driving record. By understanding the relationship between demerit points and insurance premiums, drivers can make informed decisions to potentially lower their insurance costs and secure the best possible resolution.

The good news is.....

At our firm, we have a proven track record of assisting numerous clients in reducing or completely dismissing their stop sign tickets. Our testimonials page is filled with authentic reviews from individuals who were in situations similar to yours. Our team has successfully guided thousands of clients towards favourable outcomes, leading to immediate positive changes in their lives. The good news is that we offer a free consultation to discuss your case and determine the best possible outcome for you, including the use of our professional traffic paralegal services. So if you find yourself facing a ticket, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation to explore potential defense strategies with the help of our experienced traffic paralegal services and understand your legal rights.

We invite you to take advantage of our complimentary consultation to learn more about how we can support you in your legal matters. Don’t hesitate to reach out and discover the difference our experience can make in your case.

See our testimonials here: Testimonials.

Stop sign


Careless driving ticket accident?

We can help, call us today our Ontario team is comprised of Lawyers, Paralegals, former Prosecutors and former police officers. If there is a way to have your charge reduced or eliminated we will find it!

We are dedicated to finding a way to have your charge reduced or eliminated.