Inquiry:  Received the Offence Notice  dated June 15/2012 by a police officer at my residence who based the Info by received by telephone from few people as he explain.  “Fail to stop for School bus – overtaking”  I did stop for school bus, and waited till the last child walked off the highway, and also flushing lights on the bus were turned off. Only then i proceeded forward, as there was no opposite traffic on the road.

Response:  Our staff would need to look at more specific information in your case to provide better feedback.  It is likely that you have been charged with a 7 demerit point offence, which is the highest amount of demerit points that can be assigned to a driving offence.  The charge can be contested at Court to see whether the charge is valid, and if valid, is there a grounds to have the charge reduced to a lesser offence or be eliminated.  I would recommend speaking with one of our staff for a no-cost initial review of your matter via our toll-free number 1-866-801-8299.

Greg Currie
Office Manager (London)